Horoscopes November 2020
October 31, 2020Aries ( 21 March – 19 April ) – It should turn out to be the prosperous period for you. You will receive many surprises, mostly pleasant. You need to keep your speech and communications positive and non offensive throughout to ensure you do not suffer any setbacks due to your words, written or spoken. A steamy love affair is in the wind for eligible Aries, something which is likely to see you getting a complete makeover in everything that you value in life. You will probably accomplish what you set out to do, but what you need is patience—and the determination to overcome the challenges. Favorable Dates : Nov 1, 9, 10, 18, 27, 28 Favorable Colors : Red & Blue
Taurus ( 20 April – 20 May ) – This marks a period in which you can attain what you have worked for, and when your seniority and personal power is at its peak. Your inherent tendency toward expansive gestures will be enhanced. If you are prudent you will overcome whatever physical obstacles block your path. You will be inclined to spend up on social events, luxuries and fripperies, mainly designed to improve your sex life. Some of you will be seeking to improve your social standing, probably via a love connection.During last week, you willtune out the “noise” around you, and enjoy some time to yourself. Favorable Dates : Nov 3, 7, 12, 16, 21, 25 Favorable Colors : Yellow & Grey
Gemini ( 21 May – 20 June ) – Overall, it is a fruitful period for you and the highest reward for correct actions will be your emergence as a more mature, productive individual with a definite idea of the directions your personal growth must take now, and in the future. Obligations to your domestic world can be at odds with a restless desire to strike out and do your own thing. Try to find a way to satisfy both needs, perhaps separately. You may be tempted to exaggerate your social status, professional position, intellectual accomplishments, or monetary assets. Favorable Dates : Nov 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors : White & Blue
Cancer ( 21 June – 22 July ) – This is an auspicious time for projects demanding endurance or tolerance. There can be stronger awareness of your responsibilities, or new responsibilities fall into your laps. You have a masterful grasp of organisation, so be sure to keep all your schedules together and properly annotated. Emotions may be cooled, and you can appear to be unsympathetic. There can be some loneliness or starkness felt. Expect partnership and marital relations to be rather prickly. Others will stand in your way if you try to get to the bottom of things. Favorable Dates : Nov 2, 8, 11, 17, 20, 26 Favorable Colors : Purple & Yellow
Leo ( 23 July – 22 August ) – This is a time for trying new things and beginning new ventures. Creativity finds a successful channel or outlet. Beautiful energy is with you for getting the courage to express yourself more freely, romantic attractions, exciting new hobbies or channels of entertainment, and creative freedom. A spirit of openness helps to bring new opportunities into your life. You might choose to pursue a hobby or creative activity with great passion. There can be a release from previously limiting, rigid, or stifling conditions. Health might also improve and you could become more mobile and active. Favorable Dates : Nov 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22 Favorable Colors : Red & Yellow
Virgo ( 23 August – 22 September ) – You feel especially liberated during this period, and events happening around now can set the ball in motion. There may be eye-opening psychological discoveries that help you to liberate yourself from difficulties of the past or from attitudes that have been holding you back from fully enjoying your life. Relationships are steady and committed, and the focus would be on fairness and equality. It’s also a time to express emotions gracefully, diplomatically, and considerately. There could be a stronger focus on a relationship, partner, or potential partner. Favorable Dates : Nov 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors : Blue & Yellow
Libra ( 23 September – 22 October) – This is a time to re-evaluate matters, not to give something up. Your career income should increase, but due to the plethora of retro phases, issues from the past and connected with hidden or concealed concerns will make themselves felt. If there is an inconsistency or error in need of correction, you’ll probably discover it now. People, groups, or relationships that you have been idealizing could prove a little disappointing. Aim to keep your center and seek out activities that keep your mind busy. You can learn from the experience, if only to get even closer to your long-standing beliefs. Favorable Dates : Nov 5, 6, 14, 15, 23, 24 Favorable Colors : Blue & Red
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November ) – You’ll be reconsidering your role in life, your personal self-image and your ability to influence others. This is a period when it pays to make an effort – the charm of your personality, willingness to cooperate with others and sense of humour will make a big difference. Love and romance can be favorable. Decorating, beauty treatments, the arts, creative pursuits, parties, dates, and recreation are generally favored now. You would value your personal relationships, in which you often take on a caretaker role.The people you meet would perhaps be a little quirky and certainly original, but possibly also quite inspiring. Favorable Dates : Nov 2, 6, 11, 15, 23, 30 Favorable Colors : Blue & Red
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December) – You are in a practical frame of mind making it a good time for working on projects that truly matter, and for taking care of business. Restructuring and organizing efforts can pay off. Accepting the consequences of your own actions and taking charge of your own life will awaken the responsibility and maturity that places you on a higher level, where true success and fulfilment are now possible to attain. Dealings and transactions will work out smoothly and effortlessly for you, as you score one over your competitors. Favorable Dates : Nov 1, 4, 10, 13, 20, 29 Favorable Colors : White & Purple
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January) – This can be a strong time for innovative money making or money managing ideas, and a partner or close friend can play an integral role in this. You have self-control and self-discipline to draw from and you can make real progress, even if it’s in small ways, towards your goals. There is a stronger desire to play it safe right now, but at the same time, you’re not afraid of a little change and innovation, as long as it’s within reasonable limits. Interactions are calm, and doing things for others is a way to demonstrate how much you care. Favorable Dates : Nov 2, 7, 11, 16, 21, 24 Favorable Colors : Yellow & Green
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February) – It is a good time to focus on tasks that you’ve put on a shelf or that require a solid, practical, and focused mindset. It’s a great time for reorganizing your personal space and for finishing jobs you’ve left uncompleted. It’s a good time to set emotions aside in order to tackle practical tasks. Take care of business now, and it will help take care of you later. This period will present a powerful mating phase, but those already mated may find trouble with supposedly secret affairs coming out into the limelight. Favorable Dates : Nov 4, 7, 13, 16, 22, 25 Favorable Colors : White & Green
Pisces (19 February – 20 March) – Social and learning opportunities are emerging, but it’s important that you don’t go too far, and this is especially so for adding new projects or responsibilities to your life. There can be pleasing contact with a love interest and your communications tend to be respected. People may turn to you for advice, particularly for tricky matters. They can count on you for being there for them with helpful words and without judgment. Look for actions speaking louder than words when you’re considering the people in your life. Favorable Dates : Nov 7, 9, 16, 18, 25, 27 Favorable Colors : Yellow & Blue