Title: "Brahmatells Red Coral Oval-Apple-Red Ring in Golden Setting: A Symbol of Cosmic Resilience"
Description: Introducing the Red Coral Oval-Apple-Red Ring from Brahmatells, elegantly set in a golden frame. This exquisite Moonga Stone, sourced from the revered coral beds of Egypt, is a rare and powerful gemstone known for its connection with Mars (Mangal). Renowned for its ability to help wearers overcome life's challenges due to unfavorable Mars positions, this Red Coral ring is a symbol of strength and resilience.
Our Red Coral Ring, set in luxurious gold, has been cherished for thousands of years for its ability to bring success, better health, and mental peace. Each ring is meticulously crafted, ensuring the natural power and beauty of the stone are perfectly complemented by the golden setting.
Red Coral Stone FAQ:
- Origin: Sourced from Egypt, renowned for its quality Red Coral.
- Associated Planet: Connected with Mars or Mangal.
- Ideal Wearers: Suitable for anyone with Mangal Dasha or a weak Mars in their horoscope.
- Recommended Metal: Set in high-quality gold, enhancing its astrological effects.
- Wearing Finger: Traditionally worn on the ring finger of the working hand.
- Suitable Day and Time: Optimal to wear on Tuesday morning during Shukla Paksha.
- Cleaning Procedure: Clean with cow’s milk and water or Ganga Jal.
- Mantra: Chant Om Ang Angarkay Namha (ॐ अं अंगारकाय नमः) 108 times before wearing.
At Brahmatells, we ensure that all descriptions of our Red Coral Oval-Apple-Red Ring in Golden Setting adhere to Facebook and Google's e-commerce policies. We focus on the ring's astrological significance and natural properties, avoiding any claims of magical or medical benefits. Our products are intended for personal enjoyment, spiritual exploration, and as a fashion statement.
Embrace the cosmic strength of Mars with Brahmatells' Red Coral Oval-Apple-Red Ring in Golden Setting. Shop now to add this powerful astrological gemstone to your collection and embark on a journey of resilience, health, and success.