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Opalite Tumble

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Opalite is a man-made stone, mistakenly known by a number of different names, including - Tiffany Stone, Opalised Fluorite and Purple Opal.

Chakras - Third Eye Chakra
Typical colours - clear or milky, and iridescent.

Opalite is a subtle yet highly energetic stone. It is the ideal stone for meditation. Opalite improves communication on all levels, especially the spiritual. It removes energy blockages of the chakras and meridians. Emotionally, Opalite helps by assisting during transitions of all kinds. It engenders persistence and gives us strength in verbalising our hidden feelings. It can also help us to be successful in business.

Opalite improves communication on all levels, especially the spiritual. It removes energy blockages of the chakras and meridians. Emotionally, Opalite helps by assisting during transitions of all kinds. It engenders persistence and gives us strength in verbalising our hidden feelings.

Opalite is an all-round healing stone. It aids sexual prowess, enhancing sexual experience. Opalite stabilises mood swings and helps in overcoming fatigue. It purifies the blood and kidneys.

Crystal Detail:
All stones are from mother earth & vary in size, color, and shape. No two are identical.

Items pictured are representations of what we have in stock. The items you receive might vary slightly in color and size, as they are all natural products.
We offer our products as inspiration and reference. These properties are in no way meant to replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified physician or therapist. For medical advice please seek a medical professional.
Natural stones, as the name implies, are products of nature. Any variations in texture, color, veining, and pattern must be accepted. These differences and disparities are of what makes the stone beautiful, and you should not consider them as flaws.

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