Reiki is safe during the pregnancy, and through its calming and relaxing effects on the mother, it helps create a loving and balanced space for the child to grow. Reiki heals to the point of our Karma – that is what we have chosen for ourselves to learn and experience during this life, to put back in balance things we have inflicted on other people through our wrong choices in other lives.
Therefore, any physical, emotional or mental problems that you or your baby have chosen for this life, Reiki won’t change. But it might be, that at the right time, there will be Essenian Healings or Essenian Healing Journeys or Pleiadian Healings, possible for you or your child to receive, that will address some of the karma pieces that cause you suffering or distress.
Because we are going through a global transformation of energy and consciousness on Earth from the 3rd dimensional to the 5th dimensional Energy, the negative feelings and experiences become more perceivable in our daily life. They are brought to our awareness, as opportunities, to do something about them if we choose to.